EMC-RE property consultancy service extends to all areas of real estate and property types, with a focus on challenging markets. We bring our significant global, regional and local experience to provide solid and reliable advice on a wide variety of property projects whether that is from an investor or corporate perspective.
Estate Management
We provide professional property management consultancy from a landlord's and a tenant's prospective to ensure that efficient management, leasing, maintenance and accounting systems are implemented and that the value/occupancy of the property asset is maximised.
Landlord Advisory
We work with landlords to manage risk in single or multi let property - crucial to maximizing and preserving property value.
Building a holding and exit strategy to maximize the owner's investment in the property
Identifying market trends that will affect the property and its occupants positively or negatively
Planning and implementing lease renegotiation programs
Agreeing and managing marketing campaigns on empty space
Advising on a preventative maintenance program
Researching the occupiers to produce a risk profile and understanding of potential weakness
Acting on the risk profile to off-set potential rental voids
Advising on possible expansion opportunities
Advising on possible exit opportunities
Tenant Advisory
We work with occupiers to manage risk in a single or multi let property - crucial to minimizing occupation costs and risk and ensuring that corporate governance requirements are met.
Assisting corporate real estate teams to build a holding and occupation strategy that can be readily communicated to the business
Drafting communications to control the business' expectations of property and property management
Designing processes and procedures to ensure that the occupier meets lease and statutory obligations including lease critical dates and permits and licensing obligations
Advising on processes to control the gathering, updating and holding of property data
Drafting estate management Scope of Services to be used as a cornerstone of outsourcing the provision of estate management services to third party service providers
Negotiating and agreeing estate management contracts with third party service providers
Property Reviews
We review individual properties and portfolios to determine their current performance and to provide recommendations as to how their performance and value can be maximised to the benefit of the property owner taking into account market conditions.
If you need property consultancy services no matter where in the world, contact us here.